Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Humanitarian Emergencies in Africa: Challenges and Opportunities for Engaging with the Faith Sector
Notably secular
While MHPSS practitioners have not ignored issues of faith, this article criticises the notably secular language and activities of MHPSS
Disconnected Programming
This article argues that such an overly technical focus of MHPSS risks disconnecting programming from the perceptions, agendas, institutions and lived realities of local communities of faith.
Commitment and Openness
While there are opportunities and challenges related to integrating local religious resources into MHPSS programming in Africa and beyond, this article argues for greater commitment and openness to local faith engagement to ensure that MHPSS interventions have a more effective and sustained impact.
This article reflects a specific shift in the trajectory of the field of MHPSS in relation to faith, presenting what has become a seminal criticism of the secular nature of MHPSS programming up until that point and calling for increased local faith engagement.