Cultural Adaptiation of Mental Health Programmes in the Syrian Context: Dialogue Sessions Report

Cultural adaptation  

This report details the findings of dialogue sessions on the topic of MHPSS and the Syrian context with key persons amongst the Syrian MHPSS community in charge of implementing MHPSS programmes on the ground, with a view of identifying their views on the subject of cultural adaptation of MHPSS approaches.  

New concept    

The report found that cultural adaptation is a new concept for many Syrian MHPSS professionals, viewed as a sensitive topic due to its touching on faith and identity.  


Participants shared models of cultural adaptation and the risks associated with ad hoc adaptations that are not evidence-based. Challenges associated with cultural adaptation in MHPSS included notably the tension between secular and religious positions, the lack of a unified understanding of the term “culture,” and the lack of an overseeing body for MHPSS work in Syria.  


This report provides an interesting case study of an organisation looking into how to integrate faith into MHPSS provision in humanitarian contexts.

How to Cite:

Syria Bright Future, & Joint Learning Initiative on Faith and Local Communities. (2023). Cultural Adaptiation of Mental Health Programmes in the Syrian Context: Dialogue Sessions Report. Joint Learning Initiative on Faith and Local Communities (JLI) and Syria Bright Future (SBF) MHPSS and Culture in Syria Hub.
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